Monday, February 28, 2011

Daughter ! Oh Daughter !!

Daughter ! Oh Daughter !!
As I stepped into home one evening, my wife announced that “Radhika, had become a big girl” I stood there like a muff, not able to understand and said “Oh yeah, she has always been one !” While Radhika coyly turned her face away on her mother’s lap. I knew it was another bloomer of mine! Being the only boy child, brought up in a Boy Zone from birth, it was more of fights and games rather than girls, so when this little angel was born, with dainty fingers that clung on to my thumb, and hugged me with all her might it was a mind blowing experience. My friends teased me when I rushed home to clean her, change her nappies, mix her milk and carry her thru the night when she was sick, instead of spending time with the boys at the local pub. I had become a nanny!
Days went by and my angel had become a lady. From running around in a “shameeze” swinging on a tree limb and tumbling on Tipsy our dog, overnight, Radhika, became a bold tom boy. But she took to classical dance and creative arts with a flair for clothes. There was a need every day, started with a Bi Cycle to school, Scooter to College and Clothes, clothes and more clothes with matching slippers that could fill a room !And everything had to be done or bought “NOW”. My friends and family ridiculed my indulgence, and I scoffed, she will be the purpose of my life and would do anything I desired to please this little Princess of mine!
Suddenly, my little angel, tomboy lady, graduated from College, got a job in Chennai and left home. It was truly an empty nest syndrome. Being a private person, I took the loneliness as a part of life and consoled that my angel was Gen Next and she would be a trail blazer. Things went horribly wrong thereafter. Biz went bad, financial turmoil, misunderstandings galore and gossip mongers ruled the roost! A lovely family, shattered to bits. Its three long years since I heard her voice or seen her. In her eyes the lovable Dad who could do nothing wrong became the epitome of evil!
Life goes on, and this excess baggage weighs heaviest in my heart. Every little girl at the Temple, Teenagers on a picnic or a bright young Executive with a cheerful smile in an Office makes my eyes go moist !! Will our magic days come back ? Will she take me out to the best restaurant again and buy me two pairs of shoes as a gift !! Only to ensure that she gets double that a few days later !!
Daughter Oh Daughter! May you always smile, and cheer everybody in this world, the way you did to me for so many years and – Be a Princess……
Remain a candle in the wind that doesn’t get blown away !


Garg said...

wonderful post Rajan. Maybe you should try and talk to your daughter. Good Luck with the "repair"!

Finger Tip said...

Poignant Raj..Writing is a catharsis when it comes to issues close to the heart.
The ones we love most ,hurt us the most and are most difficult to let go off.At times we have to leave to live.Don't pine for a physical presence but rejoice the presence of such unconditional love in your life.
Radhika,wherever she maybe carries you in her heart and thoughts just as you do so smile:)