“Let a man lift himself; let him not degrade himself; for the Self alone is the friend of the Self and the Self alone is the enemy of Self!!” Bhagavad Gita
These profound words prompted me to look around and do a reality check!! In Kerala, it’s a fact that most people have been earning a livelihood somewhere else and after much work and hardship reached “God’s own country” to settle down... or hope to!!
You find them mostly in Bars, Restaurants, Railway Waiting Room, Vegetable Shop, Milk Vending Booth and Bus Stand’s to name a few!!! Senior Citizens mentally, men in particular, physically fit than today’s generation. Dressed in clothes that had seen better days and invariably the “Belt” is a give away! Discoloured leather, the Buckle has lost its sheen; the hole is wide and pulled so tight, it just about holds up the pant. The Face is stoic, voice low and firm, slow motions, grey hair or bald, a sardonic smile, but the eyes still twinkle on the thought of yester years! Meet the faceless multitude of senior citizens in Kerala, big guns once upon a time, now relegated to doing domestic chores and chaperon work. They hardly speak, smile little and spend time on the easy chair until death comes mercifully, to rid them of the daily agony of ignomity for having become like a fried curry leaf – Used for flavour and aroma, Discarded since its not aesthetic looking in the curry of Life !! Men who have reared a family with pride, given their all for family and friends, but age caught up somewhere, times changed, kids grew up and suddenly its all over!!
Fast forward to a sight that’s pretty common.A young man sprawled on the foot path totally drunk and smashed. Blissfully asleep with his shirt open, dhoti affray and unaware of the people who were walking or the Traffic roaring past a few feet away .It set my feelings surging and thought of the happiness this man’s birth would have brought to his parents – A son ! So much of delight, and so much of determination to work hard for the Dad, to give him the Best in love, food, clothing ,education et al! Life would have stepped in somewhere to break the crystal ball. Dreams would have crashed, ambitions taken a beating and the young man would have crossed the line from Dreams to reality or vice versa from Reality to Dreams in a glass of alcohol!!
So we have two scenario’s. An old man who has survived and is a ghost of what he was. A young man, who lost his way in the great canvass of life!! Common denomination: Unwanted! By family, friends, society but most important by HIMSELF !!!
Why, where and how does this happen ? What are the factors that contribute to this failure as most would like to term it. Perplexing and confusing one turns to Astrology, Spirituality by appeasing the Gods with a million offerings and of course Godmen make hay , any straw that will keep one afloat in this world ! The management gurus will per force say “Lack of killer instinct”. Its all cool to say this in an Aircon room to a set of well heeled and Aramis smelling executives. But to an ordinary soul struggling to eat 3 times a day, without a roof to sleep under - Is it ? the answer lies in the words from Gita quoted earlier. Simple lines of wisdom to be taught very early to children of impressionable age. Then the thought process changes to one of values from money and to love from envy ! It’s the mantra for the Seniors who have seen the best and worst of life. Now waiting for the Golden Sun in the form of a smile from a loving soul.
Until then they trudge along like the prisoners at Auschwitz prison, being asphyxiated by a poison gas called “ LIFE”
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