The Trash Bin plays a very important role in our life.Visualise one, that’s overflowing at home, on the road or even on the computer. It’s a miserly sight. Everyday, we trash all kinds of stuff, from leftover food to used up milk cartons but most important … PEOPLE !
In school, entertainment was my forte. The habit stuck, and as I aged, the primary motive in life was to keep every one around me happy and smiling. From family to friends to large gatherings, laughter and happiness was the philosophy! Ha! Everybody did enjoy the company; all in for a laugh. It did give me a high when people said.” Wow Raj … You do have a sense of humor !!” Well known across the country as a Joker, I never realized that one day the Joke would be on me.
As one grows older, jokes get staler, coz most folks are bogged down in their own tunnels. Working towards the end they have no time to smile, leave alone laugh. Try hard as you can, be subtle, crass or outrageous, be thankful if you get a grunt in reponse. Oh well, the next thing is you are Trashed. !!!
Your career is on the upswing.A definite passport to happiness, is to be a Prominent Member of the Local Club, Married to a gracious lady, have well mannered children and Money !!Any one of these take a beating, and its Waterloo time for you !
Midlife is more like a Midwife ! Neither a Doctor nor a Nurse, poor lady grapples to get an identity. Midlife causes concerns, to be mature and dowdy or think young and happy ?Its a Million $ question, either way you are trashed by society, and lucky if you survive the dirty looks of the family. The savior is in the form of your old cronies, where you can still, share the good times of college, beginnings of career and how we helped each other in friendship. Repetition of the same story ,experiences and jokes gets boring, and they move on to Bridge or Snooker or Golf !Time to get Trashed !!
Finally, you arrive as a respected Senior Citizen( Read 60+ ) Bald or Wigged, Spectacles or Contacts, Toothless or Dentures, from Indian Railways to the Newspaper man, look at you with respect or disdain. Respect, if you are rich, big family with Grand Children, Couple of cars, President of the Local Club, travel First Class A/C, and your jokes are treated with total laughter by co passengers. From Times of India to the Local daily is to be delivered, the newspaper man is thrilled!
His buddy has one thing in common. The 60+ factor! He is bald ( Read :Thinker ) Wears Spectacles ( Read: Thick Lens ) Toothless( Read: Unfit Gums ) and have one grand child in the USA ! Member of the Local Library, travels Ordinary Sleeper Class and his jokes cannot be heard over the din of a moving train ! Prefers to read just the Local daily, which is to be delivered early morning. The Newspaperman Growls ! However, he continues to joke, the Audience ..His pet Labrador… ‘Tipsy’ an ardent follower with soulful eyes !
In the Final Countdown of Life, both get Trashed ! One out of prolonged illness and the other Laughs his way to the Grave ! God gives us a choice, Destiny decides which one we take and Destiny is decided by the way we THINK !
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A new begining !
The paragraph in today’s daily says “Actions are performed by Three means ...Body, Speech and Mind. Body can help or destroy physically, Speech can praise or curse. These can be controlled by a Court of Law in the former and by Society for the later, it’s the third realm.. Thoughts that you constantly entertain. This is wholly of your making’
It was indeed a revelation for a lesser mortal like me, who is a novice in gathering knowledge on this vast subject called LIFE.In retrospection of the past Ten Years, these words do gain a lot of relevance. Today, when I think back to the thoughts that were uppermost in this period, they were crude, totally dispassionate and gainful for the self and no other. There are enough justifications for being like that, but there are also answers that negate those justifications. How true…. You are a product of your thoughts. It sounds good on paper, but little do we realize that every moment of our life, these very thoughts, result in the end product of who we become and what we get materialistically!
It’s a Buddhist friend of mine who initiated me into the process of Right Thought. Ever since, things fell into place. Taking one step at a time, to think good for one hour a day, and then let your mind play havoc with thoughts !! Slowly, it became 2 hrs and then a little more and now a few months by, its indeed the best gift I have got. Alone in this world, I was living in a state of perpetual insecurity. The result, alcohol, which puts you into euphoria, but actually into depression and then your brain is like a runaway train. The result is seen next day, when the Train is still chugging on the same track of negative thoughts!! Here comes the challenge of changing tracks. Someone suggested meditation and yoga and soft music and going to the temple and and and ……!!! Close your eyes, look inward, and you will recoil from the sight! That’s it, you are back on the Freeway to Happiness!
Days go by, slowly, you start realizing, when the brain is in turmoil, Heart beats faster, Anxiety pumps up the pressure and you know, its not a good thing, all it needs is to STOP….. Look….. Proceed!!Its a wonderful life, the tendency to sacrifice is enormous, all of us have a Mother Teresa in us, and we expect returns in terms of love and caring!! Boom, there goes the balloon when it doesn’t happen! Take courage, take those thoughts and dump them, get your train back on track and the Station would be a wonderful place to get out and stretch.
To conclude, a few years back, I was at the lowest ebb of life, contemplating to end it. Great Expectations turned to Great Disappointments! It was a blame game. Totally convinced that I was Father Right, and the world was Mama Wrong!!Precious days spent in self pity, a heart full of revenge, faltering at work, and an outcast in society. It couldn’t get worse.. .. Keeping a happy mind turned it all. To an interest in cooking, ironing clothes, reading books of knowledge, enjoying the early morning mist, silence of the night, shadows in the yellow glow of a street lamp and most of all, the laughter of children !! Am content, happy and most of all, interested in humanity and a wonderful destiny that lies in our brain!
It was indeed a revelation for a lesser mortal like me, who is a novice in gathering knowledge on this vast subject called LIFE.In retrospection of the past Ten Years, these words do gain a lot of relevance. Today, when I think back to the thoughts that were uppermost in this period, they were crude, totally dispassionate and gainful for the self and no other. There are enough justifications for being like that, but there are also answers that negate those justifications. How true…. You are a product of your thoughts. It sounds good on paper, but little do we realize that every moment of our life, these very thoughts, result in the end product of who we become and what we get materialistically!
It’s a Buddhist friend of mine who initiated me into the process of Right Thought. Ever since, things fell into place. Taking one step at a time, to think good for one hour a day, and then let your mind play havoc with thoughts !! Slowly, it became 2 hrs and then a little more and now a few months by, its indeed the best gift I have got. Alone in this world, I was living in a state of perpetual insecurity. The result, alcohol, which puts you into euphoria, but actually into depression and then your brain is like a runaway train. The result is seen next day, when the Train is still chugging on the same track of negative thoughts!! Here comes the challenge of changing tracks. Someone suggested meditation and yoga and soft music and going to the temple and and and ……!!! Close your eyes, look inward, and you will recoil from the sight! That’s it, you are back on the Freeway to Happiness!
Days go by, slowly, you start realizing, when the brain is in turmoil, Heart beats faster, Anxiety pumps up the pressure and you know, its not a good thing, all it needs is to STOP….. Look….. Proceed!!Its a wonderful life, the tendency to sacrifice is enormous, all of us have a Mother Teresa in us, and we expect returns in terms of love and caring!! Boom, there goes the balloon when it doesn’t happen! Take courage, take those thoughts and dump them, get your train back on track and the Station would be a wonderful place to get out and stretch.
To conclude, a few years back, I was at the lowest ebb of life, contemplating to end it. Great Expectations turned to Great Disappointments! It was a blame game. Totally convinced that I was Father Right, and the world was Mama Wrong!!Precious days spent in self pity, a heart full of revenge, faltering at work, and an outcast in society. It couldn’t get worse.. .. Keeping a happy mind turned it all. To an interest in cooking, ironing clothes, reading books of knowledge, enjoying the early morning mist, silence of the night, shadows in the yellow glow of a street lamp and most of all, the laughter of children !! Am content, happy and most of all, interested in humanity and a wonderful destiny that lies in our brain!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Rain !!!
Monsoons in Kerala, brings to an end, the oppressive heat, sweat, beer consumtion and the eternal power cuts..! The reason for not having any Hartal or Bandhs at this time of the year,!! Most leaders are cooling their heels in Air Con Bedrooms or equally well equipped Bars at the most snooty clubs in the State Capital or the Commercial Town !! From the roadside Attimari, to the so called Leaders of any political party its time to plan and plot the kill of anyone who is doing good for society !! That’s – Kerala !!!
Come monsoon, and everybody gets melancholic, any time is Alcoholic Weather !! Wow, It sounded fabulous for me, coming from a place where drinking is taboo during the week, and a couple of Beers during weekends !! Gods own country ! Was party time, all the time !! 3years back, we were All India, Runner Up Position on the Sale of Booze in the State to the Sardars of Punjab!! The Mallu, woke up, lifted his Lungi and thought its high time we beat them to it, Today, its with pride that the State Goverment pays its employs by the profits on the sale of liquor alone.!!The Sards, put their Lungi down, and went about looking after their own Biz and making a success of their state in terms of productivity, commerce , infrastructure and welfare !!Wah Wah .. this is sensible,in comparison to dignitaries who cry hoarse on cattle class, in God’s own country !
Cricket came to Kerala with the IPL league. It was formed and a Central Minister got caught in the controversy with the eternal Love Lady on main stage and had to resign. Cricket of the Lords , welcome to God’s own country ! More recently a ODI was planned in Kochi. A blessing for the Residents, the roads got repaired, stadium redone and painted, sidewalks cleared of filth, and a prominent bank selling tickets started the countdown to D Day. They were sold out days before the match and people from Kasargod on the tip of North Kerala to Nagercoil from South converged to Kochi. Another telecom company dressed up the audience with T Shirts and wanted the sea of humanity to be the colour of BLUE !The night before the match.. skies opened up with torrential rain !! Outfield soaked,pitch totally unplayable, the umpires ruled.. No Play….Millions went home disappointed… Welcome to Kerala !!
Rain or no Rain, theres always action !! It was the Elections to the local bodies that kept people busy talking at homes and at the various watering holes on the outcome. Merits and demerits of candidates in the fray were discussed till the Bars closed !! Kerala Day saw the emergence of Malayalam as a cumpulsory language to be learnt if you live here. And the list goes on !
Suffice to say, we make it happen. Elections are an addiction, Lottery Tickets,Cricket,Roads, Political Personalities, Gulf Returnees, Land Acquisition, SMART City, Toddy, make great topics for discussion until the last drop is drunk with chilly beef at the local tavern !!Its season time,cruise ships with hordes of Tourists arrive to rejuvenate with Ayurveda, enjoy the tranquil backwaters, and the surf of our beaches. Oh ! Its work time for the next 3 months !! Tourism, the only industry that thrives and feeds the denizens of this euphoric state. Kerala!!!
Come monsoon, and everybody gets melancholic, any time is Alcoholic Weather !! Wow, It sounded fabulous for me, coming from a place where drinking is taboo during the week, and a couple of Beers during weekends !! Gods own country ! Was party time, all the time !! 3years back, we were All India, Runner Up Position on the Sale of Booze in the State to the Sardars of Punjab!! The Mallu, woke up, lifted his Lungi and thought its high time we beat them to it, Today, its with pride that the State Goverment pays its employs by the profits on the sale of liquor alone.!!The Sards, put their Lungi down, and went about looking after their own Biz and making a success of their state in terms of productivity, commerce , infrastructure and welfare !!Wah Wah .. this is sensible,in comparison to dignitaries who cry hoarse on cattle class, in God’s own country !
Cricket came to Kerala with the IPL league. It was formed and a Central Minister got caught in the controversy with the eternal Love Lady on main stage and had to resign. Cricket of the Lords , welcome to God’s own country ! More recently a ODI was planned in Kochi. A blessing for the Residents, the roads got repaired, stadium redone and painted, sidewalks cleared of filth, and a prominent bank selling tickets started the countdown to D Day. They were sold out days before the match and people from Kasargod on the tip of North Kerala to Nagercoil from South converged to Kochi. Another telecom company dressed up the audience with T Shirts and wanted the sea of humanity to be the colour of BLUE !The night before the match.. skies opened up with torrential rain !! Outfield soaked,pitch totally unplayable, the umpires ruled.. No Play….Millions went home disappointed… Welcome to Kerala !!
Rain or no Rain, theres always action !! It was the Elections to the local bodies that kept people busy talking at homes and at the various watering holes on the outcome. Merits and demerits of candidates in the fray were discussed till the Bars closed !! Kerala Day saw the emergence of Malayalam as a cumpulsory language to be learnt if you live here. And the list goes on !
Suffice to say, we make it happen. Elections are an addiction, Lottery Tickets,Cricket,Roads, Political Personalities, Gulf Returnees, Land Acquisition, SMART City, Toddy, make great topics for discussion until the last drop is drunk with chilly beef at the local tavern !!Its season time,cruise ships with hordes of Tourists arrive to rejuvenate with Ayurveda, enjoy the tranquil backwaters, and the surf of our beaches. Oh ! Its work time for the next 3 months !! Tourism, the only industry that thrives and feeds the denizens of this euphoric state. Kerala!!!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Spirit ( Uality ! )
The word ‘Spirit’, brings with it an aura of mystery !! From spirits in the dark, to spirits in the grave yard to spirits in behavior, to spirituality, to finally SPIRIT – meaning alcohol !! A closer look at this will bring about a common link, that of it being something connected to a particular concept of happiness or being frightful, depending on the amount of thought and exposure to this phenomenon called – Spirit !!
Spirit or Alcohol, the most prevalent one in our lives, takes the cake. It makes and breaks a person, releases the adrenalin at times, relaxes the senses and of course, makes a demon of anyone at its own discretion !The number one wrecker of families, health, and logical thinking !! Many a debate happens on the quantum of intake !!Many say with pride that they can withstand a lot and still be under control of senses !! Many prefer to guzzle beer coz it helps the bladder. Many drink a Brandy after dinner for digestion, and the list can go on and on !! Step back, and look at the larger picture, it’s the most pitiful sight. Listen sharp, and you will find gibberish being flung all over your brain. Look straight into eyes, and you are staring into vacant space. Feel the icy cold touch of the spirit inside a human being, it will make you recoil like plague. Then why, oh why, does this Alcohol, play such an important role in multitudes of people ???
Concentration level, takes a nose dive, definitely a loss of memory creeps in after prolonged exposure to spirits, after a lovely outing with the boys- Fuzziness in the brain, which takes litres of coffee, a cold shower to rectify the damages. Strange, that this spirit, which should be giving you solace raises the Anxiety level, and after all this comes the worst , a total break down of Rationale thinking !Yes we see tens of thousands of people indulging in this social necessity as it breaks down self built barriers in communication and of course lets out the dormant alternate personality !! For some it’s a musician, or an orator but it can also be a maniac !!
Slowly and steadily, the degradation starts when things go wrong at Home first and finally in Office. Its at these times when the dependence takes over and spirituality comes to the fore. God, comes into the scene, and pilgrimages are a must. Finally when there is a total breakdown of the system, there is always Destiny to blame !! But still, its Liquor and Tobacco that makes the world go round for thousands of people, they are the ones who contribute to mass employment, directly and indirectly. Strangely, where does it all start, by that innocent sip of Beer, in College or elsewhere. Then its one long trip to Spiritville, to build a cottage first and finally land up in a Palace of Alcohol.The King of Hallucination, with his cahoots and an imaginary kingdom of wealth in terms of misplaced Philosophy.
Solution – the most difficult - Balm of Love !!Comfort of people in close proximity who will sacrifice, care and love you beyond words who will pull you out of the quicksand. Patience to hear the gibberish and still smile !Lead you with a firm hand through the path of realization. Understand but not Pity being of prime importance. Finally , guide you to the light at the end of the tunnel, and help you look at the sky so blue, shimmering clouds, the sun in all its glory, smell of flowers, and the feel of wet grass under your feet !!
It’s a wonderful world of God, gifted to us in abundance of nature, animals, rivers, waterfalls, silence of the mountains, roar of the ocean and ultimately the rainbow to heaven !!
What a wonderful world !!!
The word ‘Spirit’, brings with it an aura of mystery !! From spirits in the dark, to spirits in the grave yard to spirits in behavior, to spirituality, to finally SPIRIT – meaning alcohol !! A closer look at this will bring about a common link, that of it being something connected to a particular concept of happiness or being frightful, depending on the amount of thought and exposure to this phenomenon called – Spirit !!
Spirit or Alcohol, the most prevalent one in our lives, takes the cake. It makes and breaks a person, releases the adrenalin at times, relaxes the senses and of course, makes a demon of anyone at its own discretion !The number one wrecker of families, health, and logical thinking !! Many a debate happens on the quantum of intake !!Many say with pride that they can withstand a lot and still be under control of senses !! Many prefer to guzzle beer coz it helps the bladder. Many drink a Brandy after dinner for digestion, and the list can go on and on !! Step back, and look at the larger picture, it’s the most pitiful sight. Listen sharp, and you will find gibberish being flung all over your brain. Look straight into eyes, and you are staring into vacant space. Feel the icy cold touch of the spirit inside a human being, it will make you recoil like plague. Then why, oh why, does this Alcohol, play such an important role in multitudes of people ???
Concentration level, takes a nose dive, definitely a loss of memory creeps in after prolonged exposure to spirits, after a lovely outing with the boys- Fuzziness in the brain, which takes litres of coffee, a cold shower to rectify the damages. Strange, that this spirit, which should be giving you solace raises the Anxiety level, and after all this comes the worst , a total break down of Rationale thinking !Yes we see tens of thousands of people indulging in this social necessity as it breaks down self built barriers in communication and of course lets out the dormant alternate personality !! For some it’s a musician, or an orator but it can also be a maniac !!
Slowly and steadily, the degradation starts when things go wrong at Home first and finally in Office. Its at these times when the dependence takes over and spirituality comes to the fore. God, comes into the scene, and pilgrimages are a must. Finally when there is a total breakdown of the system, there is always Destiny to blame !! But still, its Liquor and Tobacco that makes the world go round for thousands of people, they are the ones who contribute to mass employment, directly and indirectly. Strangely, where does it all start, by that innocent sip of Beer, in College or elsewhere. Then its one long trip to Spiritville, to build a cottage first and finally land up in a Palace of Alcohol.The King of Hallucination, with his cahoots and an imaginary kingdom of wealth in terms of misplaced Philosophy.
Solution – the most difficult - Balm of Love !!Comfort of people in close proximity who will sacrifice, care and love you beyond words who will pull you out of the quicksand. Patience to hear the gibberish and still smile !Lead you with a firm hand through the path of realization. Understand but not Pity being of prime importance. Finally , guide you to the light at the end of the tunnel, and help you look at the sky so blue, shimmering clouds, the sun in all its glory, smell of flowers, and the feel of wet grass under your feet !!
It’s a wonderful world of God, gifted to us in abundance of nature, animals, rivers, waterfalls, silence of the mountains, roar of the ocean and ultimately the rainbow to heaven !!
What a wonderful world !!!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Cuckoo's Nest !
Shocking !!!
As I enter my 60th year of existence on this planet, and a casual remark that am entering, “second childhood’ there came a sharp retort from a friend that I never did get out of childhood !! Even more strange was to read an article on Divided Personality on the same day. In hindsight,it was truly an eye opener and an answer to all the difficulties, joy and anguish one passes thru in life !
To start with, we all grow and blossom into a person with set traits, success habits and self discipline, in line with the pattern of life till age 26.The focus being on making a living with dignity, acquiring wealth for comfort, family for companionship and security. In this period the predominant person is the one that has been nurtured by education and upbringing. As days go by, roadblocks appear, work pressure develops, emotional dependence on family rises, and financial constraints play havoc.!!!
It is at this time, that the dormant dual person or persons in some cases wakes up to seize the opportunity to be in focus. Mannerisms change, habits that were very much under control, like alcohol, become a necessity more than luxury, and the result is a direct hit on those close to you- Family !!! Some have the capacity to understand and treat it medically, some accept it as a quirk of fate, and some give up, and leave the person, floundering like a person in the dark, swatting imaginary flies !! Finally the result, is a human being, broken into pieces like a jig saw puzzle, who is desperately trying to make it a wholesome picture on his own.
Why does it happen ?? Most of the reasons I found were shallow, but how can it be treated - Yes, only people very close to you will notice the change. They need to be tactful,dedicted,patient and with love and care guide you on to being yourself.. the wholesome you !!
Its an aberration of personality that occurs, and the answer is to join all those fragments, known as multi personalities to make a wonderful creation of God !! – YOU !!!
As I enter my 60th year of existence on this planet, and a casual remark that am entering, “second childhood’ there came a sharp retort from a friend that I never did get out of childhood !! Even more strange was to read an article on Divided Personality on the same day. In hindsight,it was truly an eye opener and an answer to all the difficulties, joy and anguish one passes thru in life !
To start with, we all grow and blossom into a person with set traits, success habits and self discipline, in line with the pattern of life till age 26.The focus being on making a living with dignity, acquiring wealth for comfort, family for companionship and security. In this period the predominant person is the one that has been nurtured by education and upbringing. As days go by, roadblocks appear, work pressure develops, emotional dependence on family rises, and financial constraints play havoc.!!!
It is at this time, that the dormant dual person or persons in some cases wakes up to seize the opportunity to be in focus. Mannerisms change, habits that were very much under control, like alcohol, become a necessity more than luxury, and the result is a direct hit on those close to you- Family !!! Some have the capacity to understand and treat it medically, some accept it as a quirk of fate, and some give up, and leave the person, floundering like a person in the dark, swatting imaginary flies !! Finally the result, is a human being, broken into pieces like a jig saw puzzle, who is desperately trying to make it a wholesome picture on his own.
Why does it happen ?? Most of the reasons I found were shallow, but how can it be treated - Yes, only people very close to you will notice the change. They need to be tactful,dedicted,patient and with love and care guide you on to being yourself.. the wholesome you !!
Its an aberration of personality that occurs, and the answer is to join all those fragments, known as multi personalities to make a wonderful creation of God !! – YOU !!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The TV cackled, Newspapers were full of Gory stories, and somehow life did not seem so exciting !! Switched to the music channel and boom.. Let it be…”Beatles” Whispering words of wisdom let it be … !! It transported me back to those fun days of college, years after that in Biz and many more years of rearing a family, the joy of having kids, watch them grow, and let them fly away !! Let it be… now that am alone, and all the above 40 years can be seen in a micro second of images flashing thru your mind, leaves you elated that it happened or depressed that it ended !! Let it be….. I decided to be elated, and thought of all those lovely days all over again… The first day of my daughter in school, the passing out parade of my son in the academy, the happiness of my wife to see all this as a success !!
The power went off, and the room fell silent !! So did my life 4 years back. Circumstances saw it to it that there was no music or anything for that matter, it was just one catastrophe to another, from one long drinking binge to another, leaving me exhausted, mentally, physically, emotionally and financially !!A few months back a friend of mine…..a painter, suggested that i look at my life as she does to her painting… Step Back ! And see for yourself. !! Ugh ! it was ghastly… so we go back to words of wisdom, Let it be …… Let it be … !! This time, I took the drastic decision or a sane decision to cut my self off, from all those people who haunted my thoughts ! Physically removed myself from the city of up bringing to a place where I just know ONE PERSON !!A totally different life style, new interests, hobbies and trying to establish a Biz that I had only dreamt off !!
Its exciting all over again, not a care in the world, I blog, am on FB and imagine me going for a Cooking Demo !! The latest, joined a group of great people on this unique venture called.. “Food walk’ .. It does feel good, after all, why do we do anything ?? To feel good obviously !!
That’s my life.. more of it next week… Till then, remember the words of wisdom .. Let it be …
The TV cackled, Newspapers were full of Gory stories, and somehow life did not seem so exciting !! Switched to the music channel and boom.. Let it be…”Beatles” Whispering words of wisdom let it be … !! It transported me back to those fun days of college, years after that in Biz and many more years of rearing a family, the joy of having kids, watch them grow, and let them fly away !! Let it be… now that am alone, and all the above 40 years can be seen in a micro second of images flashing thru your mind, leaves you elated that it happened or depressed that it ended !! Let it be….. I decided to be elated, and thought of all those lovely days all over again… The first day of my daughter in school, the passing out parade of my son in the academy, the happiness of my wife to see all this as a success !!
The power went off, and the room fell silent !! So did my life 4 years back. Circumstances saw it to it that there was no music or anything for that matter, it was just one catastrophe to another, from one long drinking binge to another, leaving me exhausted, mentally, physically, emotionally and financially !!A few months back a friend of mine…..a painter, suggested that i look at my life as she does to her painting… Step Back ! And see for yourself. !! Ugh ! it was ghastly… so we go back to words of wisdom, Let it be …… Let it be … !! This time, I took the drastic decision or a sane decision to cut my self off, from all those people who haunted my thoughts ! Physically removed myself from the city of up bringing to a place where I just know ONE PERSON !!A totally different life style, new interests, hobbies and trying to establish a Biz that I had only dreamt off !!
Its exciting all over again, not a care in the world, I blog, am on FB and imagine me going for a Cooking Demo !! The latest, joined a group of great people on this unique venture called.. “Food walk’ .. It does feel good, after all, why do we do anything ?? To feel good obviously !!
That’s my life.. more of it next week… Till then, remember the words of wisdom .. Let it be …
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Cycle Rickshaw !
Days have gone into months, months to years, season’s change from cold to hot to monsoon!!! Memories fade, new ones erupt and Life goes on …..
50 days into a new life in Gurgaon. Taking one day at a time, it has been a great revelation ! Life seems to be full of surprises, with unexpected round abouts, sharp turns and at times even a “ U” turn. No wonder most people panic and it is the desolate who live in a world of “ Maya “ be the first to give up !!!
From the luxury of a Chauffer driven car, travelling @ 80 KMPH, to a great leveler, to travel in a chauffer driven Cycle rickshaw@3KMPH!!! Both driven by Humans, carrying the same cargo – Humans !! At different speeds !! Everyday its half hour by this transport to office and back. Each day is a surprise, depending on the chauffer, so, I classified them into, Superfast “ F 1” , Express and Passenger !!
The first is Mittu,A carefree youth who pedals away to glory, singing away in Bengali, and has a great feel for speed.!! The road is his Grand Dad’s property, Traffic Signals are like Xmas lights !!Cars and Trucks may zoom by, but Mittu hits the road like Schumi on fire at Silverston ! God save the soul, who sits at the back !!
Nayan, is express !!Oh yes, he is fast, but cautious and obey’s traffic rules and lights !!Puts in the extra effort to be on a roll through out our journey, including the Million Speed Breakers we have to overcome !!The first time with Nayan, was indeed a bone shattering experience. One evening, got myself a roasted corn and Nimbus for the journey. We were cruising at normal speed and our friend went over a hump at the same speed !! Boom went the Corn, Splash went the Nimbus and my Laptop fell on to the road, narrowly missed by a speeding Honda City ! Aha ! welcome to the world of Cycle Rickshaw !
From the past experiences, I have become pretty good at this mode of Travel. For all those who intend to Travel by a “ Rick “ a few guidelines for a safe journey ! Press your feet against the drivers’s seat, remember to push your back to the rest as much as possible, It should feel as if you are being held in a vice like grip !! Laptop, strapped across you chest like an AK – 47, one hand holding the roof bar …. And you are ready to start a dream run in a Rick !! The balance one hand is free, for you to say “ Bye “ !!
Mr Prasad, is the “Passenger Driver” He is soft spoken, well mannered and wears a cap, even at night ! Drives his limo at a constant speed and gets over a Hump – as if it was Mount Everest ! His specialty – Pot Holes !!He loves to go into them and out, like Rambo on a roll ! It gives you that feeling of living off the edge !! After many days, I realized his calm and serene face, smooth ride, no rush hour speed, was the result of a constant High on the local hooch !
Weel, that’s that, and its very interesting to slow down the pace of life, lots of time to ponder over thoughts, whilst keeping yourself in one piece in a Rick , with cars whizzing by ,trucks honking to glory and of course the Eternal stoppage when the “Chain” comes off the sprocket ! Take a ride today and save the environment – Its Eco friendly !!
50 days into a new life in Gurgaon. Taking one day at a time, it has been a great revelation ! Life seems to be full of surprises, with unexpected round abouts, sharp turns and at times even a “ U” turn. No wonder most people panic and it is the desolate who live in a world of “ Maya “ be the first to give up !!!
From the luxury of a Chauffer driven car, travelling @ 80 KMPH, to a great leveler, to travel in a chauffer driven Cycle rickshaw@3KMPH!!! Both driven by Humans, carrying the same cargo – Humans !! At different speeds !! Everyday its half hour by this transport to office and back. Each day is a surprise, depending on the chauffer, so, I classified them into, Superfast “ F 1” , Express and Passenger !!
The first is Mittu,A carefree youth who pedals away to glory, singing away in Bengali, and has a great feel for speed.!! The road is his Grand Dad’s property, Traffic Signals are like Xmas lights !!Cars and Trucks may zoom by, but Mittu hits the road like Schumi on fire at Silverston ! God save the soul, who sits at the back !!
Nayan, is express !!Oh yes, he is fast, but cautious and obey’s traffic rules and lights !!Puts in the extra effort to be on a roll through out our journey, including the Million Speed Breakers we have to overcome !!The first time with Nayan, was indeed a bone shattering experience. One evening, got myself a roasted corn and Nimbus for the journey. We were cruising at normal speed and our friend went over a hump at the same speed !! Boom went the Corn, Splash went the Nimbus and my Laptop fell on to the road, narrowly missed by a speeding Honda City ! Aha ! welcome to the world of Cycle Rickshaw !
From the past experiences, I have become pretty good at this mode of Travel. For all those who intend to Travel by a “ Rick “ a few guidelines for a safe journey ! Press your feet against the drivers’s seat, remember to push your back to the rest as much as possible, It should feel as if you are being held in a vice like grip !! Laptop, strapped across you chest like an AK – 47, one hand holding the roof bar …. And you are ready to start a dream run in a Rick !! The balance one hand is free, for you to say “ Bye “ !!
Mr Prasad, is the “Passenger Driver” He is soft spoken, well mannered and wears a cap, even at night ! Drives his limo at a constant speed and gets over a Hump – as if it was Mount Everest ! His specialty – Pot Holes !!He loves to go into them and out, like Rambo on a roll ! It gives you that feeling of living off the edge !! After many days, I realized his calm and serene face, smooth ride, no rush hour speed, was the result of a constant High on the local hooch !
Weel, that’s that, and its very interesting to slow down the pace of life, lots of time to ponder over thoughts, whilst keeping yourself in one piece in a Rick , with cars whizzing by ,trucks honking to glory and of course the Eternal stoppage when the “Chain” comes off the sprocket ! Take a ride today and save the environment – Its Eco friendly !!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Death !
Maybe the best Teacher, about the value of time and our presence on earth !Strange I have had to face it at regular intervals since age 22 !! But the most shocking and relevant for me was of PR Menon Uncle. An old, dear friend of Dad and Mom in Coimbatore, at the Hospital, who died literally in Aunty's arms and me watching, in a tiny hospital room !Its the day, I realised the only finality in Life is Death! Even more, the value of sharing tears is a million times better than sharing joy.The picture is so vivid in my mind, though it happened 35 years back !
I had taken lunch for Uncle, and as he was eating, complained of chest pain, by the time the Doctor could come, he was breathing hard, Aunty sitting beside him, telling him to relax, and finally after a few mins, with one last gasp, a long look, everything went still !We stood in stupefied silence !I did manage to console Aunty, in my own immature way,and got a few phone no's to call.
Few mins later, ( That looked like ages ! ) Relatives came, and then, we came to grips ! Now was the challenge to take the Body Home. The Govt Mortuary Van, at the GH, refused to come until next day !! To cut a long story short.. We pulled the back seat down in Uncle's White Fiat Car,placed the body and I drove back all alone !! Thoughts, of the lovely times I had as a child in Secunderabad, Aunty's lovely food,friendship with Sudhir, Madhu and Mridula, uncle's wonderful smile and the lovely ambience of love !! Gosh, I thought, this is the worst in life !!
35 years later,having seen many deaths - Physical, Mental,Emotional,Financial ( !? )
can only conclude-
Lets share to show we care !
I had taken lunch for Uncle, and as he was eating, complained of chest pain, by the time the Doctor could come, he was breathing hard, Aunty sitting beside him, telling him to relax, and finally after a few mins, with one last gasp, a long look, everything went still !We stood in stupefied silence !I did manage to console Aunty, in my own immature way,and got a few phone no's to call.
Few mins later, ( That looked like ages ! ) Relatives came, and then, we came to grips ! Now was the challenge to take the Body Home. The Govt Mortuary Van, at the GH, refused to come until next day !! To cut a long story short.. We pulled the back seat down in Uncle's White Fiat Car,placed the body and I drove back all alone !! Thoughts, of the lovely times I had as a child in Secunderabad, Aunty's lovely food,friendship with Sudhir, Madhu and Mridula, uncle's wonderful smile and the lovely ambience of love !! Gosh, I thought, this is the worst in life !!
35 years later,having seen many deaths - Physical, Mental,Emotional,Financial ( !? )
can only conclude-
Lets share to show we care !
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Amma ! Mom !!
She brought me into this world 59 years back !! Looked after me for 29 years, and left for good !! They were lovely years, full of favorite food,care and love like no other. One fine morning when I went to wake her up, she had died in her sleep.Like the river Baharatpuzha, she was a stream at times and in full flow most times !! Loving life for what its worth, never giving in and laughed at the dumbest joke and the easiest person to please ! A few words of sentiment, was good enough to fool her,coz she - like me - was an orphan at an early age, and like the drop of water in a desert, sucked up anything in the vaguest form of love !!
Years have gone bye,I got married, Children, Friends,and always restless, with a huge conflict in the brain. Conflict between right and wrong, conflict between acceptance and rejection, conflict between wealth and happiness - the one fact that remains, is her advice that God will always bless you, keep your heart, clean and available for others !!Oh well !! The consequences have been devastating, but am content, and happy.This one trait has not brought me wealth, it has made me lose everything I had, lived like a maverick in the eyes of society, but a few saw the meaning in Khalil Gibran's words 'I have seen a face whose sheen I could look through to the ugliness beneath, and a face whose sheen I had to lift to see how beautiful it was.'
Amma, was fun ! Nothing could dampen her joi de verve spirit, a BA Hons in History of those days, was well versed from Akbar to Alexander, and a mix of the Modern to Traditional in the year 1950 !!Dad, being the typical Army Officer of British upbringing were a handful for all those who came home !! But natural, the son acquired a mix of these qualities and what have you ??? Ha Ha !! The most wonderful sound in the world that can beat a Mozart to AR Rehman !!
In these long years of life on this planet, there are very few I have met, who come close to her qualities of universal UNSELFISH love !!One is a friend I have met just twice, but on the phone every day !! Another I meet just once in 3 years ! And a dear couple, who have given me all the love, care, understanding,advice and scoldings, for being what I am !!
To these people, I was thinking, how would my Mom say thank you ? Coz she always lived by the word GRATITUDE !
Simply in my Prayers, every day !!Today, I firmly believe that's the best gift, I can give as gratitude and as both Dad and Mom always said "
Promise I will
Years have gone bye,I got married, Children, Friends,and always restless, with a huge conflict in the brain. Conflict between right and wrong, conflict between acceptance and rejection, conflict between wealth and happiness - the one fact that remains, is her advice that God will always bless you, keep your heart, clean and available for others !!Oh well !! The consequences have been devastating, but am content, and happy.This one trait has not brought me wealth, it has made me lose everything I had, lived like a maverick in the eyes of society, but a few saw the meaning in Khalil Gibran's words 'I have seen a face whose sheen I could look through to the ugliness beneath, and a face whose sheen I had to lift to see how beautiful it was.'
Amma, was fun ! Nothing could dampen her joi de verve spirit, a BA Hons in History of those days, was well versed from Akbar to Alexander, and a mix of the Modern to Traditional in the year 1950 !!Dad, being the typical Army Officer of British upbringing were a handful for all those who came home !! But natural, the son acquired a mix of these qualities and what have you ??? Ha Ha !! The most wonderful sound in the world that can beat a Mozart to AR Rehman !!
In these long years of life on this planet, there are very few I have met, who come close to her qualities of universal UNSELFISH love !!One is a friend I have met just twice, but on the phone every day !! Another I meet just once in 3 years ! And a dear couple, who have given me all the love, care, understanding,advice and scoldings, for being what I am !!
To these people, I was thinking, how would my Mom say thank you ? Coz she always lived by the word GRATITUDE !
Simply in my Prayers, every day !!Today, I firmly believe that's the best gift, I can give as gratitude and as both Dad and Mom always said "
Be like Rani our German shepherd,Listen to everything they have to say, keep your eyes on them and be faithful as only a dog can '
Promise I will
Friday, January 15, 2010
School !!!
Madras Christian College High School... 1964... Old Hostel !! Those were the days !!The bell goes at 5 am, time for a raw egg and Bournvita in a Aluminium Tumbler and on to the field for Hockey !Old Hostel.. The showers are common !! Its a batch of 20 boys in the showers, and really feel sorry for the kids who have joined in std 6 !! Not used to being in their B day suits !!We get 10 mins for everything , which takes an hour now !!!Its rush hour after that, for breakfast, putting books together, searching for socks( someone wud hav hid that ! ) to class!! A full working day !! And again free time from 4PM!! It was compulsory that we shud learn something other than play games.. so I chose the Bagpipe !! Oh !! Lovely days, practicing in the Car Shed !!Its 5PM... run to the Basketball Court for a game till 6.30PM !!
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