Thursday, July 29, 2010


The TV cackled, Newspapers were full of Gory stories, and somehow life did not seem so exciting !! Switched to the music channel and boom.. Let it be…”Beatles” Whispering words of wisdom let it be … !! It transported me back to those fun days of college, years after that in Biz and many more years of rearing a family, the joy of having kids, watch them grow, and let them fly away !! Let it be… now that am alone, and all the above 40 years can be seen in a micro second of images flashing thru your mind, leaves you elated that it happened or depressed that it ended !! Let it be….. I decided to be elated, and thought of all those lovely days all over again… The first day of my daughter in school, the passing out parade of my son in the academy, the happiness of my wife to see all this as a success !!
The power went off, and the room fell silent !! So did my life 4 years back. Circumstances saw it to it that there was no music or anything for that matter, it was just one catastrophe to another, from one long drinking binge to another, leaving me exhausted, mentally, physically, emotionally and financially !!A few months back a friend of mine…..a painter, suggested that i look at my life as she does to her painting… Step Back ! And see for yourself. !! Ugh ! it was ghastly… so we go back to words of wisdom, Let it be …… Let it be … !! This time, I took the drastic decision or a sane decision to cut my self off, from all those people who haunted my thoughts ! Physically removed myself from the city of up bringing to a place where I just know ONE PERSON !!A totally different life style, new interests, hobbies and trying to establish a Biz that I had only dreamt off !!
Its exciting all over again, not a care in the world, I blog, am on FB and imagine me going for a Cooking Demo !! The latest, joined a group of great people on this unique venture called.. “Food walk’ .. It does feel good, after all, why do we do anything ?? To feel good obviously !!
That’s my life.. more of it next week… Till then, remember the words of wisdom .. Let it be …


raju said...

In an exhibition of Modern Art, one visitor noticed a person sitting on the viewing bench in front of a particularly obscure painting for a long time looking at it intently. Unable to hide his curiosity, he remarked: 'For the life of me, I cannot make out the meaning of the painting'.The person who was viewing the picture intently, who turned out to be the painter himself' replied gently. "Perhaps, that is because you are not asking the right questions.What does it do to you. Looking for a meaning for everything can be a futile effort".

Your painter friend had a point.
Take a look at the Edward Munch painting 'The Scream'.

Introspection and confession do sometimes lead to a catharsis. The journey is more interesting than the destination.'Perhaps, the following conversation from 'Alice in Wonderland' may be of interest.

Alice: 'Would you tell me please, which way I got to go from here?'
Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to."
Alice: 'I don't much care, where."
Cat: 'Then it doesn't matter much which way you go.'

Finger Tip said...
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Joy said...

"Its exciting all over again, not a care in the world,.."

I wonder if the excitement diminishes the care !

Whatever, what's important is that you seem to be coming to terms with your life. Just remember it's 'CHOICE' not 'CHANCE' that determines your destiny. Here's to better choices...cheers!